Three (3) things that you MUST know before Studying for a Test

1. Relief yourself from stress and be calm

Apart from study pressure, as much as possible, do not allow any other issue bother you. Free up the mind and focus on your studies. Even control your emotions and do do overreact to principles you have trouble understanding. If you have trouble understanding anything, don't hesitate to ask around or just take a time long break (30 minutes to 1 hour). Avoid any disturbing activities that trigger unwanted stress like relationship issues, phone calls, Facebook, family problems etc.

2. Never try or even plan to cheat

When studying NEVER plan on cheating by making small notes and hiding formulas under your sleeves for consultation when fronted with questions on that topic. This is a self-defeating practice and it even makes you become very weak to study - you will never study if you plan it in the study stage. It puts you in a position that any simple mathematics tends to be the very advanced calculus for instance. It also increases the danger of you being caught cheating in the examination room and penalized for that. Don't try to cheat or even think about cheating because it will definitely defeat your morale and real mental capability and your probability of failing the examination doubles or triples.

3. Live the moment

Finally don't contemplate on whats going to happen after the examination. If you do so, you are already losing the moment and your focus is lost. You will tend to focus and plan on whats going to happen afterwards and you will never concentrate on the studies or even exams. Be focused on whats on the table at the moment right now, which is your study notes and you examination questions.


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