Top Secret to Precisely Predict Examinations Questions and Pass any Examination.

Have you realise that selection of examination questions is never a random exercise? If yes then congratulations. If not don't worry, I will show you in this article. There is a common techniques that almost all instructors use to test the competency of individuals. There is ONLY ONE thing common in almost all tests and examinations but most do not realise the trick. This is where most go wrong by studying many concepts and information that cloud the mind to freely navigate between whats relevant and whats not. Its good for personal consumption and application in the future but isn't this what we're interested in when it comes to examinations? No, we just interested in passing the examination and probably the semester and move on.

Do you sometimes wish you knew the examination questions? Did you know you can predict Examination Questions? 

Here is will share one amazing fact that you probably didn't know. Here is how instructors select school examination questions. Even if you knew, I assume you probably didn't apply it. By reading this short article, you can apply this concept to map your study design. 

Here we go:

The Only Secret in Predicting Possible Examination Question

In any subject there are only few numbered course objectives (learning objectives), typically less than five or six.  Course objectives are what you are expected to know, understand, synchronize and be able to apply after the completion of the course. More than 80% of the questions will be directly be directed toward achieving the course objective. If its more than 80%; then passing 80% of the questions in an examination is a definite pass.

Lectures and lecture notes tend to discuss so many concepts including but not limited to, examples, related concepts, special topics, application of the concepts etc. However, note that these discussions are only relevant to providing an in-depth understanding of one of the principal learning objective of the course. It is never clearly defined and it doesn't imply that what has been covered is part of the learning objective; but these are auxiliary concepts in support of achieving the learning outcomes. Thus all information and concepts learned are not relevant to be tested in an examination.

Having that in mind, it is a good practice to firstly revisit and remind yourself of the primary learning objective of the course. This helps to refocus and keep the end in mind when studying for examination. Hence allows you to only focus on concepts that are primarily defining the learning outcome.

Selective study is made possible by having the objective in mind. Examinations and tests are designed to tests on what you have learned in line with the learning objective of the course and having studied concepts only relevant to the objective of the course gives you an edge.

Finally remember that almost all school examination questions are designed such that it fully represents and accomplish the learning objectives of the course. Therefore, study in line with the course/learning objectives.

I hope this helps you define your study design in the next upcoming exam.
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Read also:

- 13 Proven Study Tactics to apply when studying for final Examinations

- 6 Killer Strategies to Pass Examinations With Little or No Study



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