6 Killer Strategies to Pass Examinations With Little or No Study

Study is the key to passing any school examination. However, it is common practice that most students study overnight for test and examinations. In such cases, most of the information is stored in the subconscious that can not be easily recalled/retrieved. It requires retrieval and rehearsal to easily recall information and last minute studies may limit this opportunity from the brain.

If you are in this group of overnight study flocks, don't worry. In this post I will be sharing with you few working tips on how to actually pass school examinations with minimal study. These are working strategies to employ however, it doesn't imply that you don't study because study still remains the key cornerstone.

Here are 6 killer strategies on passing school examinations:

1. Be Confident

Always be confident before you step in to take your seat in the examination room. It drives self assurance and motivation that allows your mind to be free and open. It reduces mental stress and feeds positive energy to the mind that generates confidence. When you're confident, you will do better in examinations.

2. Easy First Rule

Answer the easy questions  first as best as you can so that it buys you enough time to attempt the harder ones later. This may also help in discovering tips to answering the hard questions too. In addition, answering easy questions as accurately as possible may even give you the qualifying passing score.

3. Scan Questions for Answers

Quickly scan through all the questions and figure out related questions pointing to a particular topic or subtopics. Because in many cases, answers to other questions comes in the form of a question in different question of the same topic. Thus identifying related questions will help in generating tips to answer them. Tips or clue to an answer can be easily found embedded within a question.

Multiple choice questions, statement, diagrams, charts, examples, hints, equations and illustrations  are good places to look for answers within an examination paper.

4. Follow Instruction

Follow the instruction at all times when answering the question. Avoid adding unnecessary details for the true answer gets clouded along the lines of explanations. If a question requires one word answer then answer with only one word and not more than one. The chances of writing something wrong increases when adding more details and explanations. One wrong explanation may claim the right to be wrong where your may lose marks. Remember that an examination question is only a criteria that will be used to award you a score. Stick to the criteria.

5. Avoid Wild Guesses and Target Key words/phrases/clauses

If you don't know or not sure of an answer, try employ tip # 3. If tip #3 fails then its better to leave that question or part of that question blank. Writing something stupid makes you look stupid. Some instructors don't like stupid answers and may deduct marks for stupidity. Don't be stupid but be smart. 

When answering questions that require explanations, don't forget to include keywords and phrases within the answers. Keywords and phrases are what the markers look for.

6. Do not Cheat

NEVER try to cheat or peek into someone else paper for ideas. This is a self-defeating practice and it even makes you become very weak. It puts you in a position that any simple mathematics tends to be the very advanced calculus for instance. It also increases the danger of you being caught cheating in the examination room and penalized for that. Don't try to cheat or even think about cheating because it will definitely defeat your morale and your real mental capability and your probability of failing the examination doubles or triples. Be yourself.

I hope this information will help you in writing your examinations well.

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