10 Smart Study Guides for Examinations & Tests

Examinations in high schools, colleges and universities is really tough. It holds that study is the key to unlocking this. This post presents 12 known working strategies to pass any school examinations.

1. Study smart 

There is a difference between memorizing and understanding. when you are studying a subject for examination. Be pro-active in studying by reading to understand concepts rather than memorizing sentences and paragraphs. Memorizing takes a lot more energy to store the information in the brain and slips off the head (mind) very easily than when understanding concepts. As much as possible understand the concepts when reading and take note of the main idea for summary review.

2. Find your best study style

Find a study style that suits you. Some people study effectively in silence, others study effectively in groups, others in private with some little background music (noise), others outdoor, other sleeping, others sitting etc. As an individual, there is a certain study style that suits you to study effectively. Discover your study style and it works well for you.

3. Find your best study time

With regard to the second tip,study time plays a very important role in acquiring relevant concepts to your head. Find a suitable time to study. Studying in the early hours of the morning is a best time that works for me. This tip may also work hand in hand with your study style. Finding a the best study time (early morning hours, late morning hours, during the day, afternoons, early night hours or late night hours) for yourself is a very productive approach.

4. Take frequent breaks

Don't study for straight long hours, for instance going beyond one or two hours. It may weaken and stresses out your brain that you become weak and tired for effective studying. This may not be applicable to some but in most cases, taking regular study breaks (10 - 20 minutes) allows the mind to refresh and digest concepts. As a result you study productively for more hours than studying straight long hours without break. Productivity is maximized when using this tactic. When taking breaks, do not try to recall, give your mind a good rest and switch it off the books. Probably a good way is to watch funny movies of go over to your friends and for a friendly chat.

5. Refresh on summary notes before exam starts

Must refresh on summary notes taken before sitting for examination as it refreshes you and keeps you awake. In line with tip # 1, refreshing summary notes maps the concepts and principles studied.

6. Get enough rest

Get enough rest especially 6 to 7 hours of sleep before the test as it allows for effective digestion of information to you brain and properly cataloguing them for easy retrieval. Less sleep time exerts unwanted stress to the brain and information is hardly retrieved at ease.

7. Self-Motivation

It is very encouraging to be self motivated when studying. Be optimistic and be happy to study. Develop some love for the subject and study with smile an uplifting emotions an mindset. Some common thing to say to keep you motivated are like "If he can do it, I can" or "What is the difference between you and I? nothing. I'm ready for the test, bring it on". Keep your Morales high when studying.

8. Be physically active

You have to be physically active when opening you books to study. Taking a shower after a brief physical exercise (push-ups, walk, runs etc) before opening your books to read is a good approach.

9. Do not overeat or under eat

When you eat a lot, you get sleepy and tired and wont concentrate well on studies or if you don't eat, you will be hungry and you won't also concentrate your studies. Just eat  the right amount of food to give you the required strength and energy to study. Fresh fruits and water are good helps. Beverages and flavored fruit juice are not good.

10. Test yourself
Test yourself possible test questions or ask you friends to ask you questions on the subject. Looking and working on old examination papers is a good practice. Also don't forget to take note on mentions like Important note, take note, note, summary etc. Self test make you become more prepared and keeps refreshing your memory. Also note that, when reviewing old examination papers, do not limit and set study boundaries with reference to the paper. Hilarious law of examination say "When you didn't read a page of least importance, first question will be from that page only."

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