5 Working Tips on Taking Notes in Lectures

When taking notes in lectures, many different techniques can be employed to effectively take note. Taking good notes in lectures is very helpful because it helps to quickly understand things when it comes to revision and study. Here are some common working tips when taking notes in lectures:

1. Be attentive

Good notes are made when one is attentive during lectures from start to finish. When you are attentive during lectures, you follow the lecture that all notes taken are in order of importance and coherent. This also increases your tendency to understand the notes effectively during revision and make sense of the entire topic covered.

2. Keywords Noting

In a  lecture topic, there are few (typically less than 5) key words. Keywords are words that acquire repetitive usage in a lecture topic/discussion. Make sure to take note of their definitions and understand the application and relevance in the context as discussed. They are the fundamental principle of the topic so get to understand them.

3. Special Mentions

Pay attention to special mentions in a lecture, special mentions is an indication some significance. Special mentions are typically followed by signals such as "Take note", "Important note", "note that", "note", "importantly", "don't forget", etc. Such addition stresses imply additional importance of the preceding statement and that must be noted.

4. Applications

Applications of a particular topic must be noted as it is very important to understand its practical application. Also in most tests and examinations, application questions are common that theory and definition. It also provides and in-depth understanding to the keywords discussed.

5. Concluding Remark

Concluding remarks basically summarizes the entire topic and it shall in all cases be noted. As the conclusion, it runs a summary of all key points discussed and restates the scope of the lecture.

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